
The calling

The reasons that could push someone to hermitism. The childhood. The role of the parents.

The secluded lifestyle

The everyday life on Mt. Athos’ communities, the long hours of prayer and meditation, the all night vigils, the simple diet, the relationships between the monks. How does believing in something gives strength to achieve the seemingly impossible.

The exit

Revealing the internal world of someone who wants to leave, but also feels trapped. The great decision. The need to share his experiences and the mystical teachings of monasticism to his fellow humans, now from the angle of the society.


The monk mentality in society

The world is in turmoil. People are battling with disease, financial troubles, wars, poverty; the list goes on. Trust in traditional institutions, such as governments and mainstream media, has been shattered. Who can I trust? Can I even trust myself? Over the years I have found that we can apply some of the hermetic teachings to our lives, helping us achieve a better version of ourselves. We can strive to improve ourselves in a field we love, constantly, relentlessly, with discipline. We can stop wasting time unnecessarily. We can humbly approach our own identity, our own perception of who we are, and change any wrong theories and ideas. Then we can give back to our society, build it up a little, make it a bit better than how we inherited it. There is still hope, but we have to act.