Life lessons from a… tomato!

We can get life lessons even from humble things, like growing a tomato plant.


  1. Trim the young plant, leaving only 2-3 heads to grow.
  2. Remove flowers until your plant has grown a little first.
  3. Gradually increase the period between watering. If you water it every day, it won’t grow deep roots.
  4. Keep removing the suckers, the little heads that try to grow off the main stem.
  5. Clean the bottom of the plant, don’t let leaves touch the ground. You don’t want slugs climbing up from the leaves.
  6. Feed your plant, fertilize when necessary.
  7. Weed around the roots, don’t let parasites eat your plant’s food.
  8. Trim trim trim! Air and sun should reach the fruit.

Corresponding life lessons:

  1. Focus on necessary things until you’re ready to take on more responsibility.
  2. Do not have children until you’re ready! (Duh)
  3. Hardships and problems teach you, make you stronger.
  4. Keep removing unnecessary distractions, bad habits, that suck your energy and lead to destruction.
  5. Remove yourself from people, situations or places that keep you open to attacks and temptations.
  6. Always learn more, read, observe, listen. Grow. Feed your mind and spirit.
  7. Clean up bad habits, nip them in the bud. It’s easier to uproot them in the beginning.
  8. Be open! Let the light of knowledge shine upon you! Don’t obstruct it with a big ego!




Recent Comments

  • Rajiv
    11 September 2023 - 18:56 · Reply

    Seems to be a very good book with Life lessons.
    Very helpful for all kinds of people.
    The book has the capacity to bring positive change in people’s perspective towards their life.

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